Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Nicole Richie Fashion : Lunch box style Chanel bag

Nicole Richie was spotted earlier this week carrying a Chanel bag which i likened to a Lunch Box. With a little bit of research i found out that the number one vintage store in Los Angeles Decades Inc. once had this 80's Chanel - Lunch box style bag in stock.
Decades Inc posted this bag for sale on their blog a while ago - who knows Nicole Richie herself may of purchased her Chanel bag from Decades, as alot of their stock in one of a kind.



Crystal said...

I totally love the bag but the lace gloves too!! I have this kind of gloves too, in different models!!!I find them so awesome!

anonymous blogger said...

what happened to the post on nicoles new jewelry?


The new HOH jewelry can't be shown just yet, it is yet to debut so i had to remove the post. BUT it should be back up in the next month :)